Crystal Peace
Crystal Peace was born and raised in Chesapeake, Virginia. She currently resides in Clinton, Maryland. Crystal is a contributing Author to You Don't Know Our Stories From Trials to Triumph Volume 2. She is the CEO of the Peace Group, LLC and the Co-Owner & Chief Operations Officer of Ford Masters Auto Repair, LLC in Clinton Maryland, and co-host of It's All Business, a live in-studio talk show that features business and entrepreneur topics.
Previously Crystal worked as the Director of Member Development for the National Retail Development, in Washington, DC. Crystal is also a Certified Event Consultant/ Planner & Licensed Travel Agent.
Crystal Peace is married to John O. Peace, CEO of Ford Masters Auto Repair, LLC she has three beautiful children two daughters Cheyla 28 & Shaquia 30, and one son Durrel 34 and five spunky grandchildren Savion 12, Tristan 12, Tieria 11, Kellan 4 and Kimyiah 2 years old.
Crystal Peace is the Grand Worthy Matron of Malachi Grand Chapter, No. 101 Order of the Eastern Star, Clinton, Maryland and the National Office Assistant for Mecca Supreme Council, Portsmouth, Virginia.
Crystal Peace is very passionate about the Order an is committed to ensuring that everyone that she comes in touch with increases their Faith and make every effort to carry themselves with Supreme dignity, for others to see and follow.